Friday night was the first time I've ever been sent home from work by paramedics. Rather, my co-workers were sending me away regardless, but they insisted that the paramedics visit due to my not being able to stay standing any longer thing. Yeah… not being able to stand up does seriously cause trouble for the whole serving customers at the customer service desk. In any case, when my body decided that the only comfortable position was lying down (it didn't matter where really) they called in the emergency personnel to make sure that it wasn't anything more serious, before I got a ride home and 12 hrs sleep. Fortunately bread, water and sleep resulted in my feeling much better for Saturday.
A good thing since Saturday was spent in the company of Kiwanians. Yep, I attended the We-Can Kiwanis Inaugural Spring Session AKA Kiwanis University. Loads of fun (hey we were guinea pigs!), I got to help bring the average age of the crowd down yet again — actually Monique, Derek, Vivian, Sheena and Ashley all probably did a better job of this bringing the age down thing than I did, but I did contribute! 🙂 In any case it was great to see ol' friends (and meet new ones!) again! Especially catching up with Roy in the hospitality suite after — but I couldn't stay long with Merron and the gang because I had to run off to the ball…
Which meant Top Hat and Tails of course: a wonderful celebration of the 50th anniversary of the University of Alberta Dance Club. Wonderfully formal, I had an incredibly good time. No, I didn't actually spend the majority of my time with the Sorefeet gang of yore (although it would have been nice) with the crowd as big as it was, it was nearly impossible to find people. That said, the evening was peppered with fun and interesting occasions, good dances, and experiences. Yes, I'll admit that there were moments that I wouldn't mind excising from my evening (like the driving around afterward in hopes of finding some place that was open to spend time at [which didn't really work] among others) but spending the time with ol' friends was good. The pictures from past UADC excapades were amusing (gosh dress styles have changed… or not… as the case may be). Food was good… formal cermony was fine, and the dancing to the live orchestra was wonderful. Remarkably I spent a large portion talking with people about relationships… or rather the lack thereof, and various crushes and hopes for relationships. *sighs*
Following a day's work (and a ton of people asking after my health just as they have done today), was Nancy's excellent dinner — which I nearly slept through — given my lack of sleep after the ball. A parade of pop culture discussions and youtube movie watching it was fabulous. I especially enjoyed the cheese sauce for the pasta, and of course the eclectic company that any such gathering provides.
Of course today meant finishing and emailing off homework… and finally getting online after days away from the computer. Yes, I'm internet addicted these days — or so it seems. Or at least I'm addicted to PopCapGames. Mildly though… I'm still not buying them since I know that that'll mean no end to the addiction. Who could go wrong when the creator of Bob the Angry Flower works at such a fun company? (yes I'm a geek — in many ways lately)