So life's a mess of good and bad gobbelygook. Yep.
That said, I've been keeping the spirits high and not letting the bad tarnish the good.
This weekend's been insanely busy: working, volunteering at the SU Kids Christmas party (for the 6th year! A total blast!), the Butterdome Craft Sale (apparently there'll be another one in the spring this year… which I may or may not be in the country for), the Be Good Tanyas concert with Dad (a great time!), some sports (dodgeball and volleyball), slipping on the ice (that hurt!), several BPs trips (with different crowds of people and different locations), ballroom dancing (yay for Tangoes and Viennese Waltzes!!), and general pain (and sleep deprivation).
Yep. Busy is a good descriptor. Especially since I've still some wonderful *sarcasm* messes to clean up in the friendship realm. That said, I've done a good deal I think to help solidify some of the friendships that I do have.
Oh and I have my work schedule for the holidays… and want to have a casual gathering of friends at some point during the holidays… I'm looking at either the 2nd of January, the 29th of December or the 5th of January as options for an evening gathering… Any votes? I'd love to know what date you would prefer to attend (if you're in town etc.) I'm not expecting hugely lots of people to show up, but I would like to entertain!