So my paper was successfully handed in… and I had the opportunity to discuss SYU (Summer Youth University) from 1998 since my prof had taught me then… and of course hit McDonalds (and all the free coupon yummy-ness that boxed cereal provides). I've determined that their salads are not nearly as good as Wendys salads… but the fruit and yogurt parfaits are okay… as are the Chicken McGrills. So the coupons are pretty nice.
And today I wrote one of my finals. Given the lack of studying (well… I did study but my study habits are rather less than mediocre… especially when I fall asleep with my notes in my hands) I was rather pleased with my recall.
So I've only 2 more finals to write. Which is all good in my books.
As for an update on the get together… I've one person confirmed arriving around 5 (and leaving before 9), 3 current maybes (one of which would leave nice and early also), and 1 person maybe arriving around 9:15pm. I'd love some more RSVPs. Really. I haven't seen the majority of you for far too long as it is.