Update on things… and a quiz thing.

So… I still haven't finished my paper due tomorrow. But I did have a great time volunteering at the Radiothon… and managed to figure out one of the classes that I will drop for next year. I'm really growing to love the music on last.fm more and more. Oh! And I've been writing a bit more regularly… which does bode well!

The weather is so utterly glorious out these days… I love being able to wander out of doors for a good long walk to campus and beyond… without a jacket… ! 🙂

As for the get-together on the 31st. As per the usual, I'm receiving a lot more people saying no they can't make it than those who can. But I currently have one friend who will be there around ~9:15ish. Please RSVP if you'd like to be there. I really truly would like to see you there if you live in the Edmonton area or are nearby. Feel free to invite friends within reason… just be sure to let me know about it.

In any case… here's a quiz thing. As much as I *DON'T* speak American English… I decided to answer anyway… mainly because I ran into the expression: 'rotary' for a traffic circle/roundabout for the first time ever very recently… and thus thought the quiz was rather interesting as a result.

Your Linguistic Profile:

70% General American English
15% Yankee
5% Dixie
5% Midwestern
5% Upper Midwestern