… and already I am forgetting to write. Glad I remembered eventually, as it is my first day of trying to write every day in November. This is my first attempt at using the LJ app. Not sure if i will switch over to medium at some point rather than attempting to blog here, but we shall see. My goal is 200 words a day which seems reasonable, especially as i am typing on my phone.
Kerbal the cat is staring at me from across the room. Jon's home is reconfigured for Extra Life so it is a bit weird, but I like hanging out with the cat even if I feel really cold right now.
Today was a somewhat snowy day. I even shovelled a little bit, that is if that little bit really counts. I was in a policy course in the morning and at a graduation ceremony for finishing the OH&S certificate program in the afternoon. An odd workday overall, but i really didn't sleep well last night, waking far before my alarm, so there's that.
Tonight will be board games night, which should be fun. This is my usual Tuesday night routine these days, and i look forward to it. Not sure what we will play, but hopefully something fun!