… life goes on. I've managed to rewatch all of Firefly, the movie Serenity, and of course other things besides. I hosted people for board games last night which meant that I *gasp* vacuumed, swept, cleaned, did dishes, took out the trash, and cooked up a delicious lasagna (vegetarian recipe my mom sent me via email — thanks Mom!). I think I'm going to have people over to play board games much more regularly in the coming weeks/months. Partially as it forces me to be more social (and I really truly need it), but also because that way I don't feel so board game deprived, and also have an excuse to cook for other people (cooking for one isn't all that fun, to be honest). There were no lasagna leftovers, so my cooking was certainly a success! I do have some chips and other goodies of course left for future gatherings, and know that the empty-ish room in my apt works well for Pictionary, so that's always good!
Of course entertaining people at home means that I actually take the time to do some of the more routine deeper cleaning tasks that I occasionally neglect, so that's always good too.
But yes, I am having a really hard time getting motivated. I've evidently quite a few tasks I should be working on and very little interest in any of them, to be honest. I feel much more emotional these days, which is pretty awesome at times but more often than not is because I feel lonely or somewhat direction-less which isn't entirely accurate, but is how I somehow feel. Frustrating more than anything.
I hope that this coming week's trip to Indianapolis for Kiwanis will help perk up my spirits/my motivation, and that eventually I feel more motivated to do more, whether it be exercise, see friends, leave the house, or perhaps most importantly work on my research!
In other news it's rather cold in here. Last night the apartment felt too warm, and today it feels chilly. Not horribly cold but cold enough that I'm wearing a sweater zipped up and slippers. I guess winter really has returned, eh?