Lately, I've been trying to post to this here online journal more regularly. And in general, I've been doing a pretty decent job: sure it's just the journal I've written in for a bunch of years, but it's also crossposted to venues where people actually read it on occasion. Today, if all goes as planned, I'll be writing a few posts. Why? Because I've been a bit emotional lately, a bit busy lately, and yes I just want to write.
So on Friday, I got a sunburn.
I was out at Capital Ex, volunteering (as per the usual) at the Kiwanis Giant Slide. It was four hours, out in the hot sun, with apparently not enough sunscreen. It was fun though — I got to spend time with some of the most awesome Kiwanians, a few CKIers, and met lots of kids. I always enjoy Capital Ex's Kiwanis Giant Slide.
Afterward, I went to the new Edmonton Expo Centre, took in some exhibits (buying a new better purse hook to replace my old one, got a massage and generally looked around. It was a pretty good day though exhausting. I really liked Sip! where I watched some cooking demos, had some good food, and relaxed.