I had been up for over an hour this morning, and was finishing my breakfast while reading my LIS textbook, when I heard a low rumbling boom of sorts and my electronics beeped a bit. Since I wasn't actively using any of them, I didn't notice that the power was out until I looked at the microwave clock and noticed that the number display was blank. In fact, as I would later determine, the power was out to my whole apartment, my whole building and indeed, several blocks: several traffic lights weren't working when I stepped out to visit my favorite farmers market (the 104th Street one downtown). It really is a joy to not be working shift work on a Saturday morning. I can finally go shop at the farmers market! In fact, this was my first trip to the market since Vancouver's West End Farmers market in August.
I walked up and down all the stalls, visiting with a friend at her booth and finally settling on some purchases, though nothing cold, because at the time I didn't know whether the power would be back when I returned. Still I got some delicious carrots, a basket of mixed fruit (yummy grapes!), a cone of pumpkin seasoned almonds, some whole wheat Montreal style bagels, a loaf of whole wheat bread and a necklace. It's a nice red beaded necklace that just caught my eye.
When I got home again, I had to reset all the clocks, and began my homework/internet/cleaning journey for the day. Tonight I'm having board games at my place, so I'm doing a bit of tidying today for that purpose, but mostly it's just the whole getting things done online game that has captured my attention. I'm still doing readings for class and all, and REALLY hope to get started on the lit review that I'm working on, and perhaps even write up some SSHRC grant application stuff this weekend as well. We'll see. Regardless the homework needs to get a dent before board games! And I can't wait to play board games.