… but I'm in an odd state of mind. My Facebook status points out that I'm totally in a read, eat snackfood and hermiting myself mood, so to speak but I guess I should point out some of the stuff that's happening.
– I'm really looking forward to my August travels, especially as they are looming large. Alabama, Victoria and Vancouver are all things to get excited about, for many many reasons.
– My birthday is swiftly approaching, and I look forward to seeing many people whom I don't get to see nearly often enough. (plus possibly play board games? I'm in withdrawal or the nearest thing to that that I can think of)
– I'm realizing yet again that I want a haircut. But I really want Jackie to cut it (I think I don't quite trust a lot of other people with my hair)… *sighs*
– I do need social contact to be a happy camper. So, I've been quite happy when I have been getting out of my apt and seeing people.
– I've had one nightmare about getting my wisdom teeth out. Otherwise the prospect really wasn't bothering me. We'll see what happens on the 17th and thereafter.
– I'm selling so many CapitalEx ride-all-day passes lately that I kind of miss the idea of going myself. Too bad I won't know how I'll be feeling until after the 17th.
– My thanks goes out to Josh yet again because his provision of comfort literature is making my urge to read books so much more fulfullable!
– Kiwanis is occasionally stressing me out. CKI stuff isn't though… which I think tells me a bit about where my priorities lie… or what I'm most mentally ready to deal with at the moment.
– I am stressed. I am also less motivated than I ought to be at the moment.
– And I think I'm just going to have to get around to seeing some of the Shakespeare festival if I'm up to it at some point before it ends. This all depends on how the wisdom teeth removal treats me.
– Oh and Harry Potter comes out soon! I totally have to see that movie!
– And no, my bike still hasn't made an appearance on the roads this summer. I have however walked a LOT and have wonderful sandal tan-lines to show for it.
– Oh and I adore *sarcasm* my breathing problems/nerve injury sometimes. It makes going and *ACTUALLY* swimming so much more difficult than it ought to be.