So I got accepted into Open Studies for the fall. Realistically this is a given, but it's nice to know that for a fact and all.
My board games night went incredibly well last week. The upcoming one will be much fun too — of course the crowd will likely be very different, but that's not surprising, really.
Work's been good. I've been indulging quite a bit in good food, good walks, taking care of myself better and TRYING to see friends whom I hardly see — at least certainly not enough! Please please help me at this, as I'm really really wanting to see many of you more often than once in a blue moon.
My financial situation only gets better (as much as I keep throwing money at the University).
I'm also contemplating signing up for Run for the Cure again this year… but it is more fun to do this with friends (like last year) so we'll see what I decide.
And yes, you've heard correctly I am trying to get a Young Professionals Kiwanis club of Edmonton going in the fall. Please let me know if you're interested — I know that there's quite a bit of interest happening, but it's all nebulous at this point. I plan on informing myself greatly in the coming weeks and months.
I'm looking forward to Orlando and Denver. Quite exciting at this point, really. And of course the summer festival season is upon us soon too! Festivals I want to catch include: The River City Shakespeare Festival, The Works Festival, The Streetperformers Festival, the Fringe (insofar as I'm in town), Capital EX (I'll be volunteering a couple of shifts at the Kiwanis Giant Slide and probably going to an EDfest concert or two depending on what's playing bare minimum), A Taste of Edmonton (a birthday week tradition). Of course there are many more I'm hoping to catch, but it'll be random which of even these I'll be able to attend. As per late, I'll be missing Heritage Days due to being in the wrong country however. I also wonder who'll be playing Symphony Under the Sky (Arrogant Worms last year was amazing!).
In other news I'm looking forward to getting a raise at some point (a dollar or more? Retroactive??), possibly in June. I'm looking forward to playing frisbee, more long walks in the sunshine like today, more great food, more board games, and certainly hopefully a cleaner apartment, and more/better writing habits. Yes, I've lofty goals for my summer!