Bao forwarded me the link to this lecture and I was so impressed that I had to watch the whole thing. It spoke to me. It made me want to take the kind of classes that he taught. Believe me it's worth watching: With everything from storytelling, Disney, computer programming, VR, Star Trek, Star Wars, Geekiness, computer games, winning stuffed animals, Karma, helping others, volunteerism, being an astronaut, acheiving childhood dreams, the academic world, The Sims, helping others achieve their childhood dreams, advice for living one's life right, not letting obstacles get you down, cancer, leadership, role models, and so many other worthwhile things that I firmly believe that you probably would gain more than you'd imagine in your wildest dreams by watching this and perhaps even implementing some of what you learn in your life.
Even dating advice given in this lecture is worthwhile.
Check it out, for your benefit, and for your entertainment… and I suppose education as well.
Yes, it's a lecture but it's worth it.
Go. Make your dreams a reality.
The best LAST lecture. A most inspiring talk. And a shining star of a person. Who will be missed. WOW.
Perfect viewing for the American Thanksgiving weekend.