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*~HALF HUMAN, HALF ANGEL~*You are half human, half angel! You are both connected to your human side and angel side, but sometimes life is rough on your part. Just know that just because you are a little different from some people and angels does not make you weird. You are a special kind and you should be proud. Just stay on the upper side of life!
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Anime pictures quizzes from Josh
I don't believe this first one at all really… although the picture is interesting.

Healer.You are the kind of person that would take in a stray dog, for your love you bandage all their wounds, and take all their fears away with just one kiss.Your story: You wandered the forests alone when you found an injured knight. You took him in and brought him to full health. As he grew stronger you fell in love.Weapon: StaffKiss: amazed/surprisedElement: Earth and forestAnimal: DoveMovie: Snow White
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*laughs* such a crazy simple quiz. A fun enough waste of my time that I choose to post it here (essentially I sort of like the result)… but still!

-Magical-~*~Adventerous, playful, humourous, joker, and a ball. You are intellegent, but fun, you can't seem to relax, and love adventre. You love to show off though, and play truth or dare. You always pick Dare, and will do the dare. You like people to be in awe, but you aren't somone to hog the spot light, your a kind person, and with such a fun and silly personality, everywhere you go, you are loved and welcomed.Your Story:You grew up on the road a bit, but mostly lived with your family and sort of group of magicians and mages in the woods. You all got along well, but had not been fully taught the extent of your powers. You were always curious about your abilities and one day, were given a chance to leave your home, to travel and discover more about your magic. You left sadly, but excited, you wanted to see what was out there for you.Your Adventure:When you left, you only had your magic, your determination, and your trusty book that would help teach you your abilities while on the road. Your parents had given it to you when you left. You were alone and stopped by many towns until you ran into a small village tavern where a young avenger sat. He was rather angry, and the two of you didn't get along well, or on great terms, but you left with him. More for protection then anything else. Soon you travelled where you found an injured healer, and an escapee. You were brought to fill your destiny to use your knowledge and abilities to bring down the wealthy and cruel tyrnat before it was too late with your new friends.Quote: Every production of an artist should be the expression of an adventure of his soul.-William Somerset MaughamSong: Cold Play ClocksTravel by: magic
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Intriguing… but inaccurate quiz! Interesting however.

you are a light fairy. You are joyous, and bring light to those in need.You are, Happy, Innocent, Naive, and sweet. Your animal is the song birds. your colour is gold, and your words are No need to fear, light always comes from the darkness
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I like this one! 🙂
Warning: getimagesize(http://images.quizilla.com/W/WI/WIT/witch07/1141169678_386_paige2.jpg): could not make seekable – http://images.quizilla.com/W/WI/WIT/witch07/1141169678_386_paige2.jpg in /home/www/quizilla/htdocs/codepastes/showQuiz.php on line 376

You are restless because you are sick of the problems that occur within reality. You like to escape into another world another reality, into a dream basically, you don't appreicate what you have in life because all you see is the bad, and what you don't have but want you want, so your emotions are at times uncontrolled, and unpredictable. Other times you may be right in there with friends and family, and then others you are distant and cold.Your song: Nobody's Home (Avril Lavigne)Your emotion: confusionYour dreams contain: robbers, bombs and guns. Anything that could break into your house, or harm you.
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I like dreaming… but I also like making dreams reality… so….

You are an angel. You are sweet and innocent with a little bit of self-consiousness, you are a prefectionist with everything from work to relationships and want your partner to be the same. You love to have someone be proud of you, and in your group of friends you are the thoughtful shy one. Your feet are always planted firmly on the ground, but with your wings you manage to fly up at times to achieve what you want. You don't like fighting and so won't always say your opinion, others may think you are a follower, uncreative or snobby, but you aren't, you just don't like confrontation. You are navie and a little to trusting, but you are often rewarded for your trust with others. Just watch what you might not say, someone may take your silence the wrong way. Even with your thoughtfulness and sweet innocence, others may think you are immature or such. In other words to get to the point people may get the wrong immpression. You love like no other, and your partner will no it too!
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I don't agree with this one… but the picture intrigues me.
Yeah… so that was a fun waste of time 🙂 I like the fun of the unrealistic quizzes on occasion…
Now to get up in the morning for work then homework and hopefully get it all accomplished on time! 🙂
Oh and about that art… I'm not sure it'll get done this week… perhaps next week? We'll see.