The radio blared. I didn't want to wake up. Still tired. Yet, it was morning. I hit snooze. Knowing the radio would be on again in less than ten minutes, I slowly woke up more and more before perusing my Media/Society textbook. At 9:30 I was awake, out of bed and preparing for the day.
A quick phonecall. Some email reading. Some internet accomplishments, then off down the street to the mall for some much needed pampering. I was using a gift certificate for one of the things I appreciate the most: a massage. The weather was glorious: sunshine, springy air, and a slight breeze. In anticipation, I wandered the mall, walking into Bijoux Ternier (sp?) and glancing about before heading over to the counter of that glass-walled locale where I was heading: Eveline Charles Salon & Spa. The best spa in Edmonton (by some accounts), it looked immaculate, and relatively empty at 11:10AM. My appointment was for 11:30. The displays were spotless, no dust to be seen. The two women behind the counter were chipper and perfectly coiffed. One signed me into the system before taking my jacket and leading me upstairs This is the Cardiac aspect of your Eveline Charles Experience she said, making conversation.
The massage: well needed rest and relaxation. Perfect. The parts I wanted massaged the most were done with just enough pressure to make the experience worth it. If I had the money, I'd ensure that I could do this once a month (or so).
Then off I went… skin soft, and ready to meet the rest of the day. A bit of browsing through the mall's multitude of clothing shops, of course not finding anything in the jungle of pastel and pinks, and I was ready to hit the outdoors. Stopping at Starbucks for the first time ever to use my nifty Christmas gift card, I tasted some luxurious Chai Tea latte as I walked down the street. Warm but not too warm, wearing my beautiful winter jacket, I savoured each moment of bright warm sunshine.
Home to the computer I went. Soon catching up on emails, surveys, websites, and of course on CKI work, my school work still lies less than finished. A massive worry on its own, combined with other stressors, it's a slight blight on my good day. However, CKI work is getting accomplished. Tomorrow morning shall be a time to finish what little I yet have to accomplish or so I hope.
A brief visit with Anastasia as we loaded away 19 different items for a service auction (yay for DCON!), and then back to my work. Little is accomplished before off I go again for the evening's adventures. In anticipation of everything planned these next few days, I find it difficult to concentrate on school work in any case. My ride arrives, and to East Bound we go for some sushi. I eat just enough to satisfy my hunger before we make our way to the Citadel.
There, I am dazzled by beauty in aesthetic pleasure and in sound. Never had I been to a musical at the Citadel… the only other musicals I ever had seen were high school productions. So involved am I with the plot that I feel quite emotionally linked. The songs I recognize as being so classic are finally heard in all of their splendor. Pleased am I!
I enjoy Anita's dresses from Act 1, Maria's mannerisms in general, Tony's voice (or rather, the actor's voice), and the overall performance, acrobatics and dancing was exquisitely well done! The set was so marvelously versatile also. Rough and tumble and yet clean and pristine, interesting, eye catching and unique. This musical epitomized what to me it should be.
And then it was over. We walked out in the crisp clear night… an experience I enjoy far too infrequently (for reasons easily noted when encountering the street denizens so frequently in the dark). To BP's (where else?) as seems the typical trend with most friend groups I seem to belong to we go. And now I prepare for a good night's sleep.
Tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday are all big days. Not necessarily for me, but rather for those who matter most for this particular weekend: the We-Can District. Fortunately, the travel won't be far… I'm already there. And I'll do my best to be as useful as possible.