So, my frustration from Monday seems to have been easily explained away. Thankfully. That's always a positive anyway.
Monday in class we had a sort of Jam session with guitars and voices, and a harmonica occasionally too. That was rockin' fun! So that totally made my day. Even inspired poetry. Four guitars, one a 12-string and three acoustics made for some interesting fun times!
I totally enjoyed listening… and occasionally singing along.
I'm absolutely adoring watching Angels in America Part 1: Millenium Approaches. It's really quite visually appealing, not to mention the great script that Kushner wrote for both the play and the screen play adaptation. Gosh! It's only too bad that it gets all split up watching it in class like this. I'd really like to watch the Part 2 of it though… it would really be quite great I believe.
Essays are getting semi-written. Never perfect mind you, and I still have one due tomorrow that I haven't really written at all. That's what I'll start in the next few moments I would imagine anyway. I'm getting a little frustrated however with the stupid extentions that we get in Arts classes. I'm totally used to the approach that if you don't get it done you don't get to hand it in, or even that you get deductions. I hate extentions… not in and of themselves, but because it really penalizes those who have put in a huge amount of effort to get it done on time, and THEN have the deadline moved. I mean, when in the real world does this ever happen? Newspapers, magazines, and newsletters don't have such mobile deadlines! Gah!
Anyway, I think I'll still sort of follow the initial deadlines. It'll make me less stressed in the end I would surmise. And in any case, the semester's almost over, meaning I've a zillion other things to think about Yay me!