Busy Day

Today was a busy day.
Good things: Got Grad pics done! They rock! 🙂 Now I just need to pick out which ones I actually want….
Volunteered for the Stollery Children's Hospital Foundation 2004 Radiothon for a couple hours.
Had a great time at dance class (although my centre of balance was a little wobbly for a bit there… and my feet hurt for no good reason)!
Got a bunch of other little things accomplished and saw a few friends.

Not so good things: It's still WAY too cold!!! I DON'T like shivering whilst I'm puttering around INDOORS! Outdoors I can understand… but brrrr!!!
I feel I'm getting more and more behind in my readings for class (not entirely unexpected).
It's cold!! (I dunno how many times I should have to repeat this… but heck we determined that it was warmer in Norman Wells today (NWT) than here!! It's pretty darnned cold!)
And I really need a better bag for school… the old one I had was perfect (before it was stolen that is)… it's been two months (almost) and gosh is it ever annoying to have to use these other bags that are either too small or akward.
I've complained enough for one night (but damn it's COLD!).