So…. it's ALMOST my actual birthday… so it's ALMOST It's My Party time…

Today I got to test out my nifty new camera. I gosh darn love this little new toy of mine (although I really need to buy SD cards, a case and some other stuff for it, like perhaps one of those nifty photo printers… but all in due time. The memory cards are of course highest on my priority list… plus another camera case would be decent too… but I can do with my case from my other camera for the moment).

I worked the morning shift. I was SOOOO sore from soccer last night. I still am I guess, but not quite so bad as earlier in the day. At work I got my nifty birthday thing: a cookie and a drink (ice tea — for all you Americans out there, it was lemon ice tea from Nestea… already sweetened, which is how it's served here).

But what made this day so awesome was the evening. You see, I spend the evening with one of my FAVORITE Kiwanians, attending the Camp He Ho Ha Open House/donor appreciation thing. This was an ABSOLUTE blast! 🙂 I especially adored watching the wall climbing. The things kids in wheelchairs or prosthetic legs can do…!! And watching them on the zip line… WOW! I SO wanna do this sometime! I don't doubt that I probably wouldn't be as good, but I wanna try!! Food was great of course, as was spending time with GREAT Kiwanians… afterall South Edmonton started the camp WAY back when (44 years ago)… and it's now pretty much the only camp that accepts people with ALL disabilities… no exceptions. But it just felt great to be outside in this Amazing weather and go out on the barge around the lake. When else do I get this chance?

The beauty of the locale
Where children, teens, men, women, seniors
And others
Enjoy true freedom
Outside of the confines of disability
Is astounding.

The evening sunlight shines
So brightly, over trees, grass, water, cabins,
And wall
As freedom shows
Through the smiles of the campers
So amazing.

The value that we bring
To so many people, lives, families, friends,
And more
Is in freedom
Which pours through the experiences
So important.

For it is that,
That I strive for…
The ability to make a difference.
THIS is one place
Where over the past 44 years,
Kiwanis has.