I wonder why Tuscany and Paris and Canada…

…are the three guide books available for purchase at my SaveOn location. *shrugs* At least they make for interesting and semi-useful reads.

Matty's mom makes the most awesome cookies (I've eaten them yesterday AND today now… filled with so many awesome ingredients… yum!)! Yay for cookies at work!

I'm totally looking forward to Europe now. Strange how reading about other people looking forward to Europe does that to a person!

My apt is getting marginally cleaner. I'm ever so pleased with the Queen of Clean books for the tips for things like cleaning shower curtains and whatnot… useful free stuff indeedy!

It feels weird to get home from work already having seen excerpts from TV shows (during my breaks) that have yet to air on MY tv.

And I'm totally looking forward to cooking tomorrow with Heather before the Darts Tournament that evening…!! 🙂

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