Quizzes from Aimee and Beth

I like this quiz Aimee posted. Although there's a bunch o' numbers missing so I'm filling them in! 001. real name → Ali 002. nickname → uh… Ali Kira! 😉 003. single or taken → *shrugs* 🙂 time will tell. 004. zodiac sign → Leo 005. male or female → Female 006. elementary –> Rudolph… Continue reading Quizzes from Aimee and Beth

Small world, ain't it?

So in the past weeks I've had this odd serendipity of meeting old acquaintances, people I've met before but totally didn't expect to run into in completely different circumstances and so on. Essentially, as the children sang at the volunteer commitment I attended last night it's a small world afterall. Really: meeting the sister of… Continue reading Small world, ain't it?

Me.dium, an interesting idea

I don't know if I like it yet or not, but I've been playing with this new add-on (extension?) for Firefox lately called Me.dium. It lets you see what other people are doing online (similar sites) and hypothetically lets you communicate with your friends online through it as well (in addition to other people viewing… Continue reading Me.dium, an interesting idea