
As if my week could get any better! My poem (which is imperfect at best but whatever) 2whys is going to be published in Fait Accomplit (the Comp Lit literary journal thing!). I totally didn't expect that!! *jumps for joy!*

Too good to be true?

So this week is turning out excellently. Not only are my classes going excellently, but my mailbox is also treating me well with little perks (like freebies and contest entries and coupons etc.!). Poetry is being written, although I'm not terribly pleased just yet with my glosa, I've still another week or so to work… Continue reading Too good to be true?

More quizzes :)

Two Names You Go By 1. Ali 2. AliCat Two Parts of Your Heritage 1. CANADIAN! 😉 2. Polish Two Things That Scare You 1. the idea being lonely forever 2. total and utter failure Two of Your Everyday Essentials 1. breakfast 2. conversation Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now 1. blue jeans 2.… Continue reading More quizzes 🙂