Soccerballs, A Giant Slide, Twisted Sister, Caramel Apples, non-existant alarms, Masters, Medals….

So the last few days have been an adventure and a half… and really the adventures of this summer have only just begun. Let's go though the adventures chronologically, now, shall we? 😉 Thursday, I played soccer for the first time in about a month. Now, you have to realize that I'm not a terribly… Continue reading Soccerballs, A Giant Slide, Twisted Sister, Caramel Apples, non-existant alarms, Masters, Medals….

Ice Cream-y goodness…. oh and I'm apparently getting older (still!)

After its long absence, we are FINALLY getting good ice cream within a five block radius of my apartment again! I just noticed that the Marble Slab Creamery is coming to the vacant storefront formerly occupied by A Buck or Two. I totally missed Baskin Robbins being across the street… and now yummy Marble Slab… Continue reading Ice Cream-y goodness…. oh and I'm apparently getting older (still!)

My room is actually getting clean! Call the reporters! ;)

So… last night I decided I wasn't in the mood to hit K-days following my 8-hr shift at work… instead, I just wanted to relax at home with some Gilmore Girls goodness and hopefully get some cleaning done. Surprisingly, cleaning actually WAS done! And my room is en route to getting clean!! Anywho… I found… Continue reading My room is actually getting clean! Call the reporters! 😉

Thinking that a bowl of raspberries with milk and sugar makes a delicious breakfast…

So my birthday, while excellent in many ways, was as usual underattended. Really, this doesn't bother me that much… however, I had hoped to see a lot of people and well, for the most part didn't. And yes, tears were had… as per oh so many other birthdays. Not necessarily bad tears, but droplets of… Continue reading Thinking that a bowl of raspberries with milk and sugar makes a delicious breakfast…

The Personality Defect Test

Emo Kid You are 28% Rational, 42% Extroverted, 28% Brutal, and 28% Arrogant. You are the Emo Kid, best described as a quiet pussy! You tend to be an intuitive rather than a logical thinker, meaning you rely more on your feelings than your thoughts. Not only that, but you are introverted, gentle, and rather… Continue reading The Personality Defect Test

Klondike Days are here again!

And… as is the volunteering! 🙂 Tonight I do my first shift on the Kiwanis slide (one of my favoritest volunteering events ever!)… and it's also the first volunteer shift of many for the next couple of weeks… one of my busiest volunteering times for the year (by choice). It'll be such fun (and hey…… Continue reading Klondike Days are here again!

So you think you can dance?

Talk about a fun tv show! 🙂 Sure… I know that I'm easily ensnared by Reality Television shows… (factoid for the day… the first such tv show was done in the 1970s!), but this one totally entertained me. Why? 'cause it's all about dancing. Really it's like an American (or Canadian) Idol show but with… Continue reading So you think you can dance?

My email ain't working. Grrr… also reminder to RSVP!

Hi all! So… I'm having an unfortunately unproductive morning. Why? 'cause my email isn't working!! I rather like being able to check my messages and whatnot! Anywho… if you're coming to my birthday, please remember to RSVP for The Creperie before Thursday… for the other events, I'd appreciate you letting me know, although I don't… Continue reading My email ain't working. Grrr… also reminder to RSVP!